Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Close the door"!!!

As I mentioned earlier - my Mom had a small bakeshop in her kitchen.  One summer I was available to give her a hand.  My job was to make the lemon pies, cakes and donuts.  The donuts and cakes were a new introduction that summer so of course had to have many testings done to make sure we had the right combination of ingredients to make the best.   The neighbourhood kids were excellent ginea pigs and I am sure they managed to gain a little weight despite having to bike over to do the testing.   She also had a flock of chickens and some ducks as well as dogs that were not averse to eating what was left over (which wasn't that often).  We also had to make sure the door stayed closed unless someone was coming in or going out so there was a constant cry "close the door"!!!  That was to keep the flies outside as we had baked goods setting out with no covers on them until they cooled.  That was a story in itself.   I remember one day Mom had accidently overcooked a pan of chelsea buns and the black smoke was just rolling out of the oven.   I told her that flies or no flies I was going to open the door to let the smoke out and I threw the door open. Surprise!!  there was a customer standing there just ready to come in.   Embarassing yes, but thankfully they just laughed and came in anyway. 

1 comment:

  1. Laffin my memories of close the door were a little different than my moms, see as grandchildren we were not to be seen or heard by Grandmas Bake shop customers whenever someone pulled in the drive my grandma would point toward the living room and say close the door because there was a door that seperated the two rooms..lol

